Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Paranormal Announcements of Interest ..

Hello Friends,

I hope all are healthy!

Ok - on our next Internet radio broadcast Sunday Sept. 23rd,
You all get to ask the questions andI will be the guest. But we
will do it like this: You e-mail your questions in (you can try
calling also, but the sure way is to send them in), to Annette

I will not know what the questions are, Annette is not telling me.
She will also send some off to Ursula, so Ursula has some questions
from you all to ask also. Then the night of Sept. 23rd, I will be the
guest of The Unexplained World - Internet Broadcast.

Those questions we do not use on this show, we will use on future shows.

Newly listed for your listening enjoyment - I just converted the
Haunted Archer Woods Cemetery Tour into an Audio Tour for your
downloading to Ipods, CD, computer, etc.. nothing was cut from the
audio taken from the video tour.You can listen to it at:

or at:

The date set for the day at the two cemeteries here on the
S.W. side suburbs is Sunday Oct. 14th. remember this is free.
I have decided on at least on of the cemeteries and will be one
that one of our members has a loved one buried at. So I will be
doing for the 1st time, my psychometery of an item of a loved
one, at the site and the grave site / headstone will be the item
I use. This will be a demonstration for all to view.

If you did not decide earlier and are interested, just e-mail
me from our web site @

Let's not forget about Haunted N.W. Indiana Dunes, with
our Annette for Oct. 6th.
Details can be seen at:

Also what lays ahead for "Beyond The Veil" with Ursula
Bielski and my self at:

Happy Hauntings,

Ed Shanahan - The Unexplained World

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