Friday, July 15, 2011

New eBook 'Taking The Paranormal and Spiritual World Seriously. Theories - Thoughts - Experiences'

New eBook 'Taking The Paranormal and Spiritual World Seriously. Theories - Thoughts - Experiences' by Edward Shanahan

Web page to view and download book:
Taking The Paranormal and Spiritual World Seriously
Taking the Paranormal and Spiritual World Seriously is the way Chicago Paranormal Host and Psychic Medium Edward Shanahan believes it should be explored.

In this book you will find his personal paranormal and spiritual experiences over the years. His unique theory pertaining to Spirits, EMF readings and cold spots.

Other subjects Edward writes about in this book are: Do some spirits need crossing over or could it be something else? His theory on Ouija boards that combines the supernatural and science. How he sees the difference between Old Souls and Young Souls and how it pertains to the paranormal field. Are paranormal investigations like a seances and much more.

23 chapters make up this book and includes a chapter of links to paranormal seance videos, EVP recordings. Photos that include what looks like Edward Shanahan captured the Ghost House at Bachelor's Grove Cemetery. Another photo that appears to be an Angel or Spirit at Archer Wood's Cemetery and others.

Web page to view the book  Edward Shanahan - web site  Chicago Paranormal Nights - web site


Friday, July 1, 2011

Chicago area Paranormal Haunted Location - The Irish Legend in Willow Springs. The History, Videos and Photos

Chicago area Paranormal Haunted Location - The Irish Legend in Willow Springs. The History, Videos and Photos.
by Edward Shanahan

The history of the location is from the Willow Springs Historic Book and covers both the history and the paranormal history of the location and included some photos taken from the past at the location and the recent videos from the Circle of Energy Seances and the paranormal activity that happened.

The article, videos and photos can be viewed at:
Haunted America Tours