Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chruch Sermon talks about Spirits, Ghosts, Ed Shanahan and more.

A Church Sermon in October mentions Edward Shanahan from Chicago
and what he does with the Supernatural.

To view the Church Sermon that was given,
click on the link:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haunted Archer Avenue - video tour of the area's haunted locations

Haunted Archer Avenue - video tour
by Edward Shanahan

The video below was done one day when I decided
to just pull out the camera and jump in the
car and go video tape the haunted locations
on the historic paranormal road known as
Archer Avenue, to give individuals the chance
to view the locations that they may have just
read about.

I have been published in three paranormal
books do to my knowledge of the locations
shown here on the video, as I have lived all
my life within 5 minutes of haunted Archer
Avenue, S.W. of Chicago.

It also includes the Grimes Sisters haunted
location along with Resurrection Mary haunts,
Al Capone's haunted building, haunted
cemeteries, haunted woods and more.


Edward Shanahan - Chicago Paranormal Spirit
Observer / Psychic.

Haunted Historic Locations - in Chicago area
to explore and experience the Haunted Historic

If you desire to download or post the video,
you can do so from:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Last Night at Demon House and broadcast

Last Night (01/09/10) at Demon active house.
by Edward Shanahan

We pretty much feel as of last night, there
where spirits (2 it felt like), but did not
come across any thing at that time, that
we or I would consider to be Demonic.

I would like to thank Ursula Bielski, LAPS
paranormal team, Peggy, Linda and Steve
(video taping), for coming out.

EVP's where captured, a Ghost Box was
used and more.

Hear The Unexplained World 90 min
broadcast of us there - at:
